Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Patient Testing Protocols

It is imperative that the guidelines listed here be followed when submitting patient samples and paperwork. If either is improperly received, it could result in significant delay of test results or rejection of the sample altogether.

If you have any questions whatsoever, please contact our laboratory personnel.

All of the following testing is located on the left side of our requisition form.

New Renal Patients
Please submit: 4 yellow top tubes with ACD Solution A and 1 red top tube

Please order: HLA Typing for Solid Organ – Patient

New Donors
Please submit: 4 yellow top tubes with ACD Solution A

Please order: HLA Typing for Solid Organ – Donor

Always include the name of the patient for whom the donor is being tested, as well as their relationship to the patient.

Post Initial Evaluation Crossmatches
Auto-crossmatch (only patient): Requires 2 yellow top tubes with ACD Solution A and 1 red top tube

Crossmatch patient with donor: Requires 2 yellow top tubes with ACD Solution A from the donor and 1 red top tube from the patient

PRA (Monthly Serum Screening)

Our lab requires that each person currently active on the renal transplant list submit the following each CALENDER month in order to have current serum on file.

Requires: 1 Red Top Tube

Post Sensitizing Event PRA Testing
After any type of sensitizing event (i.e. nephrectomy, blood transfusion, pregnancy, etc.) please submit the following as well as listing the event and date of the sensitizing event.

Requires: 1 Red Top Tube

Contact laboratory for pediatric minimums.