Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program

ARCH's Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program provides comprehensive, culturally relevant, trauma-informed care and support for victims of violence and their families, working in collaboration with the community efforts to address underlying risk factors for interpersonal violence.

Our Services

The HBVIP team members provide holistic, culturally relevant, care and support for victims of violence and their families utilizing measures to address social determinates of health and improve victim outcomes.

Those services include:

  • Acute interventions and therapeutic support at bedside.
  • Intensive case management services post discharge to assist with follow-up and ongoing care needs.
  • Crisis intervention services addressing both mental health and interpersonal violence related measures.
  • Referrals to community-based services and providers for ongoing support.
"Support from just a few empathetic people can help us navigate our way through troubled waters with ease." - HBVIP Team