Perceptual, Acoustic, and Aerodynamic Voice Evaluation

At the Voice and Swallowing Disorders Center, our voice team uses cutting-edge technology to analyze the acoustic (sound) and phonatory aerodynamic (airflow) characteristics of your voice to better assess the nature and severity of your voice disorder. Following an examination of your larynx (voice box), the voice pathologist (voice-specialized speech-language pathologist) will rate perceptual characteristics of your voice and evaluate how your voice complaints affect your daily life. 

Perceptual Voice Evaluation 

The voice pathologist will review your symptoms, medical history, and daily vocal demands, all while rating what we hear in your voice. We will assess characteristics of your vocal quality, pitch, and loudness. You may hear your voice pathologist use terms such as “hoarseness,” “roughness,” “breathiness,” or “strain.” If you are having difficulty singing, the voice pathologist will ask you to sing something to better assess your singing voice quality. 

Acoustic Voice Evaluation 

Perceptual Voice Evaluation During this portion of the evaluation, you will be asked to complete a series of voice tasks while speaking into a microphone. We use state-of-the-art acoustic analysis software to analyze your acoustic signal and determine your average speaking pitch, vocal range, and how your mechanics of voice production affects the overall sound quality. This evaluation helps our voice team to obtain baseline measurements of your voice quality and to track your progress over time. 

Phonatory Aerodynamic Evaluation 

The phonatory aerodynamic evaluation determines the amount of airflow and pressure you use during voice production. This helps us assess the relationship between your airflow, air pressure, and the acoustic sound of your voice. Aerodynamic measures are important for gaining a better understanding of how efficiently you use your airflow to speak. 

Trial Voice Therapy 

At the end of the voice evaluation, you will be coached through a variety of trial voice therapy exercises. This lets us determine how easy it is for you to change the sound and the way you’re using your voice to better determine how much success you’ll likely achieve through voice therapy versus whether your condition might also require surgical management or medical intervention.   

If you’re a good candidate for therapy, and it’s something you’re interested in, we discuss probable outcomes. Together we develop a personalized treatment plan directed at helping you meet your goals through direct, indirect, and innovative evidenced-based approaches.