As people age, the skin of the forehead and upper eyelids relaxes. The distance narrows between the eyebrows and eyelashes, which can contribute to a tired, angry or sad look. 

A brow lift is designed to reposition the brows in a more youthful position. It can open up the eye area and help rejuvenate the upper face. 

A brow lift can be combined with other procedures, such as eyelid surgery or facelift. Some health insurance plans cover brow lift surgery.

Types of Brow Lifts

Wake Forest Baptist Health's surgeons offer several types of brow lifts, including:

  • Endoscopic brow lift - The surgeon makes five small incisions behind the hairline, and uses an endoscope and special instruments to elevate the position of the brow. There are no visible scars on the brow or forehead.
  • Prehairline (pretrichial) brow lift - The surgeon makes an incision at the junction of the forehead and hairline, so that hair grows back through the scar and camouflages the incision. This works well for patients who have a high hairline.
  • Direct brow lift - The surgeon makes incisions in skin creases of the forehead, or just above the brow. This is an effective procedure, and scars generally fade well over time. This can be a good option for patients who have a receding hairline.

Brow Lift: What to Expect

Our surgeons perform brow lifts under sedation or general anesthesia. Swelling, bruising and headaches are common side effects, but the pain is generally mild to moderate. 
Patients should avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for one to two weeks after surgery, and most patients take one to two weeks off from work.