Cosmetic ear surgery, or otoplasty, can change the size, shape and position of the ears on the head.

Cosmetic ear surgery can be done to correct ears that appear too large or protrude, so that ears are set closer to the head. It can also correct misshapen ears that result from defects or injury.

The surgery is most often done on both ears to create a symmetrical appearance.

During the procedure, your surgeon makes small incisions at the back of the ear to access and reshape the ear cartilage.

Following the surgery, stitches are used to close the incisions.

Cosmetic Ear Surgery: Postoperative Instructions

You will likely have a head wrap placed after surgery to minimize swelling, although bruising and swelling are both common. You will be asked to wear a headband 24-hours-a-day for 1-2 weeks after surgery to facilitate healing.

Your pain will be mild to moderate. Some patients need narcotic pain medications, but some require only over-the-counter pain medications.

It is best to avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for 2 weeks after surgery, and most patients take off 1-2 weeks from work postoperatively.