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Robert Samuel Humble, MD

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“I love helping and treating patients as if they were family.”

Dr. Robert Humble is board certified in orthopaedics. His clinical interests include general orthopaedics, arthroscopic surgeries and knee, hip and shoulder replacements.

Dr. Humble is an assistant professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. He received an Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center Faculty Teaching Award.

Dr. Humble received his medical degree at the University of Louisville and completed residency at Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center.

Away from work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and 3 children, playing golf and hunting.

Conditions and Treatments

Achilles Tendon InjuryAcromioclavicular Dislocation TreatmentAnkle Cartilage TearAnkle Ligament TearAnkle SprainAnterior Ankle Impingement (Footballer's Ankle)ArthritisArthrocentesisArthrodesisArthrotomyAvascular NecrosisBone CancerBone TumorBrachial PlexopathyBunionsBursitisCarpal Tunnel ReleaseCarpal Tunnel SyndromeCharcot FootChondral/Osteochondral DefectChondroblastomaClavicle ProblemsClaw ToesCubital Tunnel ReleaseCubital Tunnel SyndromeDupuytren's ContractureDupuytren's Contracture ReleaseElbow ArthritisElbow ArthroscopyElbow Ligament InjuryElbow Pain and ProblemsEnchondromaEpicondyle ReleaseFemoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)FibromatosisFinger Pain and ProblemsFoot DropFoot FractureFoot PainFracture ManagementFracturesFrozen ShoulderGanglion CystGanglion Cyst ExcisionGiant Cell TumorHammertoesHand InjuriesHand Pain and ProblemsHeel PainHeel SpursHip ArthritisHip Arthroplasty (Anterior Approach)Hip Arthroplasty (Posterior Approach)Hip ArthroscopyHip FractureHip ProblemsImpending FracturesKnee ArthritisKnee ArthroplastyKnee ArthroscopyKnee ManipulationKnee OsteoarthritisKnee ProblemsKnee Replacement SurgeryLateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)Lateral MalleolusLigament InjuriesLipomaLytic Bone LesionsMedial Epicondylitis (Golfer's Elbow)Medial MalleolusMedial Meniscus RepairMeniscectomyMetastatic Bone DiseaseMorton's NeuromaNerve InjuriesOsteoarthritisOsteochondromaOsteomyelitisOsteoporosisPaget's Disease of the BonePartial Knee ReplacementPatellofemoral Pain SyndromePathologic FracturesPeripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)Peroneal Nerve PalsyPeroneal Tendon DysfunctionPlantar FasciitisPolydactylyPosterior Tibial Tendon DysfunctionRaynaud's PhenomenonRevision Median NerveRotator Cuff ArthritisRotator Cuff InjuriesRotator Cuff RepairScapular DyskinesisShoulder (AC) Joint SeparationShoulder ArthritisShoulder ArthroplastyShoulder ArthroscopyShoulder DislocationShoulder Impingement SyndromeShoulder InstabilityShoulder Pain and ProblemsShoulder Tendon and Muscle InjuriesShoulder TendonitisSoft Tissue TumorSprains and StrainsStress FractureSubacromial DecompressionSyndactylySynovectomyTendinitisTendon InjuriesThoracic Outlet SyndromeTotal Hip Replacement Anterior ApproachTotal Hip Replacement Posterior ApproachTrigger Finger ReleaseTrigger FingersUlnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) Injury (Tommy John)Upper Extremity Ligament/Tendon RepairVascular AnomaliesVascular MalformationsWrist ArthritisWrist Arthroscopy

Ratings and Reviews



Board Certifications

American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery


University of Louisville School of Medicine, MD, 1989


Carolinas Medical Center, Orthopaedic Surgery, 1990


Carolinas Medical Center, Orthopaedic Surgery, 1994


Orthopaedic Surgery, Assistant Professor
