Bone Marrow Patient and Donor Testing Protocol

It is imperative that the guidelines listed here be followed when submitting patient samples and paperwork. If either is improperly received, it could result in significant delay of test results or rejection of the sample altogether.

If you have any questions whatsoever, please contact our laboratory personnel.

All of the following tests are found on the right side of our requisition form.

New Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Patients
Please submit: 4 yellow top tubes with ACD Solution A and 1 red top tube

Please order: HLA Typing for BM/Stem Cell – Patient

New Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Donor

Please submit: 4 yellow top tubes with ACD Solution A top tubes

Please order: HLA Typing for BM/Stem Cell – Donor

Be sure to list the patient for whom the donor is being tested, as well as the donor’s relationship to the patient.

Post Evaluation Crossmatching

For an Auto-crossmatch (patient vs. self):

Please submit: 2 yellow top tubes with ACD Solution A and 1 red top tube

Please order: Auto-crossmatch

For an Allo Crossmatch (patient vs. donor):
Please submit: 2 yellow top tubes with ACD Solution A (from the donor) and 1 red top tube (from the patient)

Please order: Crossmatch with Donor

Please submit: 1 red top tube

Please order: Anti-HLA Antibody Testing (PRA)

Contact laboratory for pediatric minimums, 336-716-4456.